
Logo (c) Original pencil art by Montana artist Cheri Burke.
International, Inc. is a group of highly motivated fisheries professionals who provide innovative technologies and
solutions. We develop sustainable fisheries and aquaculture development, worldwide.
Founded in 1987, the
company has a continuing mandate of guiding sustainable fisheries projects throughout the developing and developed world.
We have completed fisheries/aquaculture projects in Southeast, South and Central Asia; Western and Eastern Europe; the Middle
East; and in West, South and East Africa.
demonstrated areas of expertise:
* Project Manager and Principal Investigator of fisheries projects, worldwide.
In addition to the private
sector, clients have included U.S. Agency for International Development,
Asian Development Bank, National Science Foundation, Foreign Agriculture Service, and U.S. Department of Agriculture.
* Species-specific culture requirements, and water quality influences on fish and prawn health and growth in pond and high-density
* Optimum aquaculture system design for hatchery, nursery and grow-out of fish and prawns, utilizing appropriate
technologies and site-specific resources. Designs have included high density Recirculating Aquaculture Systems, associated
biofiltration technologies, oxygen injection, and Artemia production.
* Aquaculture system management; growth programming.
* Health management programs, water quality management strategies, system troubleshooting, and disease diagnostics
of finfish and prawns.
* Applications of the latest hormone-induced spawning and hatchery techniques, and all facets
of broodstock management.
* Extension services and transfer of technology via seminars and manuals, and continuing
education for facility staff.
* Detailed aquaculture production analyses and complete business plans, including
market entry analyses, processing requirements, and U.S. FSIS sanitation and HACCP processing guidelines. *
Conducted exhaustive applied research addressing sustainable fish and natural resource interactions and relationships, especially
regarding fish, halophytic plants and Coal Bed Methane (CBM) discharge waters.
water chemistry analyses with Department of Fisheries personnel, Kenya, 2014.
Woiwode in Basra, Iraq.
Dr. Woiwode,
Fisheries Scientist and President of AquaMatrix International, Inc., has provided fisheries/aquaculture technical services
and expertise worldwide. His active participation in and vision for international fisheries development began as a U.S. Peace
Corps Volunteer in the Philippines, where he functioned as Hatchery Manager, producing Asiatic Carps and monosex tilapia fingerlings
for regional distribution. His education includes B.Sc. Fisheries and Wildlife Resources and M.Sc. Fishery Resources degrees
from the University of Idaho, and Ph.D. Fisheries degree from the University of Minnesota.
Dr. Woiwode has continually
sought to complement his academic background with hands-on aquaculture/fisheries experience: He has designed, constructed,
operated and trained the management for aquaculture systems that have ranged from extensive pond to intensive recirculating
and geothermal systems, working with species as diverse as black tiger prawns to Pacific threadfin to Barbus cyprinids to
tilapia and charr. He has an in-depth understanding of and hands-on working experience with all the necessary components,
from hatchery and production operations to processing/HACCP requirements and product market entry, that ensure the success
of aquaculture ventures under a wide variety of conditions.
The AquaMatrix web
page provides an overview of primary types of projects engaged. Click on tabs for International Fisheries, Aqua System Design,
Coal Bed Methane Aquaculture or Pond Management for more details.
For additional information please contact:
AquaMatrix International, Inc. P.O. Box 2437 Jackson, Wyoming 83001
United States of America Phone: (307) 413-8515 e-mail: woiwodejon@cs.com
the summit of Kings Peak, Utah, 13580'